an overview of the individual SEMECO projects
an overview of the individual SEMECO projects
The cross-sectional projects are the focus and solve fundamental architectural, organizational and technological issues.
Together with strong technology partners, this project lays the foundation for a scalable, secure and trustworthy platform for medical microsystems.
This project provides a reliable and trustworthy communication platform for use in the clinical environment and in remote monitoring.
The project partners are developing a modular, AI-assisted framework for the certification of medical microsystems.
This project promotes the economic translation of SEMECO concepts and social dialog.
The application projects access the core technology according to their specific requirements and transfer the SEMECO concept into practice.
This project enables new CT scanner generations by replacing traditional data transmission with a dedicated wireless solution.
Further development of a smart patient bell that integrates real-time patient data into a healthcare platform.
This project creates a revolutionary multimodal communication implant that goes far beyond the functionality of traditional hearing aids.
This type of endoscopy offers adaptive anchoring mechanisms, the ability to take tissue and liquid biopsies and a broadband chemical sensor system for in vivo microbiome mapping.
The Free State of Saxony is funding five regional application projects. These application projects supplement the innovative pool of ideas in the cluster ecosystem. These include:
This project aims to help people who have become voiceless to regain their own, natural-sounding voice using non-invasive sensor technology and neural networks.
The aim of the project is to improve patient safety and precision in the irradiation process using a system based on existing and merged patient data.
Please contact us at if you have any questions about the opportunities for cooperation or if you are interested in associating your project with the SEMECO Cluster4Future.
Applications for project association are possible at any time. The submitted applications will be reviewed every six months.