Europe’s best microelectronics for medicine
SEMECO (Secure medical microsystems and communications) is one of the winners of the second round of the BMBF Clusters4Future competition. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the project with up to 45 million euros for up to nine years.

Innovative and sustainable collaboration
With the Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, the 5G++Lab Germany and the Barkhausen Institut, the SEMECO future cluster around TUD Dresden University of Technology offers ideal conditions for innovative and sustainable collaboration at the leading European location for microelectronics, communication technology and explainable AI – i.e. artificial intelligence whose results can be understood and interpreted by humans. As part of the Clusters4Future initiative, an ecosystem is being created that taps into the innovation and future potential of the semiconductor and microsystems technology industry for medical technology, brings together justified regulatory and safety requirements and develops applications for the market.