This project is establishing an efficient management structure for the entire cluster through its partner Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health (EKFZ). In addition, the five partners complement each other in order to communicate research results from the SEMECO cluster in a comprehensible way and to transfer them into practice-oriented products or services for better medical care.
The Barkhausen Institute promotes scientific communication in the SEMECO cluster with a qualification program for researchers and the development of a learning laboratory for young people. The scientists learn various methods to make their research accessible to the general public and young people are inspired by the topic of medical technology.
dresden|exists provides a tailor-made incubation program for medical start-up projects with SEMECO-Start! The founding teams learn, among other things, to develop business models specifically for the healthcare sector, build the necessary expertise for their spin-off and learn intensively from each other.
HighTech Startbahn coordinates the SEMECO expert coaching for the founding teams or start-ups that have already been spun off. The focus is on investment readiness, business development & sales, regulatory affairs & clinical studies and company building. Through its network, it offers access to industry and medium-sized companies as well as business angels and investors.
The regulatory experts at the EKFZ support individual projects throughout the entire life cycle of medical devices, from the initial idea to market authorization. They assess feasibility and develop implementation strategies.
Silicon Saxony e. V. manages and develops networking activities between academia and industry through specific event formats, from 1:1 matching with industry partners, potential customers, cooperation partners and suppliers to specialist and network conferences with a supra-regional impact, involving regional industry networks.
Dr. Frank Pankotsch
- Iris Steinebrunner, TUD University of Technology, dresden|exists
- Jörg Schüler, TUD University of Technology, HighTech Startbahn, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mobile Communications Systems
- Patricia Grünberg, Barkhausen Institute gGmbH
- Sabine Marschollek, TUD University of Technology, Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health
- Stefan Uhlig, Silicon Saxony e.V.